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Hotel in Paris

Auf der Suche nach einem Hotel in Paris?

Paris ist nicht nur die Stadt der Liebe, sondern auch wirklich eine Stadt, die für jeden etwas zu bieten hat. Hier finden sich zwar viele frisch verliebte Paare, aber man kann in Paris auch wirklich schöne Ferien erleben, wenn man mit seinen Kindern hier ist. Ein Hotel in Paris ist natürlich das beste, wenn man nicht gerade in einem Wohnwagen übernachten will.

Doch wie kann man ein Hotel in Paris günstig bekommen? Diese Frage stellen sich Jahr für Jahr tausende von Menschen, die diese atemberaubende Stadt einmal hautnah erleben wollen. Natürlich hat man, vorausgesetzt man befindet sich in einem gewissen Alter, auch eine Jugendherberge in Paris aufsuchen, wo die Preise relativ günstig sind. Dies geht aber nicht, wenn man Kinder bei sich hat und da stellt sich stets die Frage, wie an ein Hotel in Paris günstig bekommt. Die Antwort ist denkbar einfach....

Das Internet, mit seiner enormen Anzahl an Angeboten ist der ideale Ausgangspunkt um Paris billig zu erleben. Manch einer fragt sich nun, wie man denn bitte schön über das Internet ein Hotel, Jugendherberge oder Hostel in Paris bekommen kann. Natürlich hat man die Möglichkeit, Begriffe wie "Hotel Paris" in eine Suchmaschine einzugeben, aber seine wir ehrlich, wer will schon die Millionen Ergebnisse alle eins nach dem anderen durchgehen? Die Antwort dürfte klar sein.

Aus diesem Grund sollte man sich einer besseren Alternative bedienen, wenn man auf der Suche ist nach einem Hotel, einer Jugendherberge oder gar einer Pension. Paris bietet alles und es ist heute gar nicht mal mehr so schwer, die für seine Bedürfnisse ideale Lösung zu finden. Wie das geht?

Es gib im Internet sogenannte Preisvergleichsseiten, bei denen man sich alle erdenklichen Angebote, wie eben Hotel in Paris günstig oder auch anderen Städten anzeigen lassen kann. Anstatt sich durch die tausende von Suchergebnissen zu schlagen, reicht es heute vollkommen aus, eine Webseite zu besuchen, wenn man auf der Suche ist nach einem Hotel. Paris, London oder Madrid, auf solchen Seiten findet man in sekundenschnelle ein passenden Angebot, das den eigenen Wünschen entspricht.

Natürlich kann man auch zusätzlich in ein Reisebüro gehen und sich dort die neuesten Angebote einholen. So hat man schon eine doppelte Chance, ein Hotel in Paris oder der Stadt der Wahl zu finden. Allerdings ist dies oft mühsam. Man muss erst mit dem Auto hinfahren, sich nach den vorgegebenen Öffnungszeiten richten und dann kann es immer noch passieren, dass man eine Warteschlange vor sich hat. Diese Probleme hat man im Internet niemals, sondern findet sofort, was man sucht.

Wer ein Hotel in Paris über eine solche Preisvergleichsseite sucht, kann sich auch den Zeitraum einschränken. Somit werden alle Angebote ausgeblendet, die für den Zeitraum nicht in Frage kommen. So erhält man eine kürzere Liste, die aber nur die Hotels in Paris beinhaltet, die für den Suchenden in Frage kommen und somit hat man es viel einfacher, die Hotels miteinander zu vergleichen. Dank des Internets ist es heute sehr einfach ein Hotel in Paris oder sonst wo zu finden.


Städtereisen – auf was man achten sollte

Städtereisen sind kein neuartiger Trend sondern schon seit etlichen Jahren beliebt. Meist sind es jüngere Menschen oder auch paare ohne Kinder, die gerne mal am Wochenende Städtereisen machen. Dies ist eine ausgezeichnete Art und Weise andere Länder und Kulturen kennenzulernen und einfach mal aus den eigenen vier Wänden rauszukommen. Hier zeigen wir, was man beachten sollte, wenn man Städtereisen in Deutschland oder in anderen Ländern machen will.

Billige Städtereisen findet man über das Internet

Natürlich will man stets versuchen, sich bei Reisen so viel Geld wie möglich zu sparen, damit man dann vor Ort mehr Geld zur Verfügung hat. Aus diesem Grund sollte man sich im Internet über alle möglichen Angebote informieren. Städtereisen im Last Minute Bereich gibt es gerade im Internet sehr viele zu finden und sind sehr gefragt. Dabei hat man die Möglichkeit, sich bei bestimmten Webseiten zu informieren, die sich auf Preisvergleiche spezialisiert haben. So kann man schnell seine gewünschte Reise finden ohne sich zuerst durch tausende von Webseiten durch klicken zu müssen.

Der frühe Fisch fängt den Wurm

Dieses Sprichwort lässt sich auch wortwörtlich auf Städtereisen oder Wochenendreisen übertragen. Wer auf der Suche nach einem Angebot ist und auch ein gutes gefunden hat, sollte schnell handeln, da diese Angebote in der Regel zeitlich begrenzt sind. Oft ist es so, dass Last Minute Angebote schon nach wenigen Tagen vergriffen sind und aus diesem Grund sollte man so schnell wie möglich das Angebot annehmen, bevor es ein anderer unter der Nase wegschnappt. Durch die rasante Entwicklung des Internet ist dies aber glücklicherweise kein Problem mehr und man kann mit wenigen Mausklicks die gewünschte Städtereise buchen ohne unnötig Zeit zu verlieren.

Eine angemessene Unterkunft macht den Urlaub erst richtig schön

Eine Städtereise kann natürlich auch anstrengend sein, wenn man sich vorgenommen hat, so viele Sehenswürdigkeiten wie möglich zu bewundern. Da sollte man rechtzeitig dafür sorgen, dass man auch eine Unterkunft findet, in der man sich abends entspannt zurück lehnen und abschalten kann. Dies kann entweder eine einfache Unterkunft wie beispielsweise ein Hostel sein oder aber auch ein 5 Sterne Hotel. Hauptsache man fühlt sich wohl und kann die Nacht über wieder neue Kraft für den nächsten Tag gewinnen.

Ein Hostel ist gerade bei jüngeren Menschen beliebt, da man sich hier eine Menge Geld sparen kann. Wer allerdings nicht in erster Linie sparen muss und den Komfort schätzt, der sollte sich auf die Suche nach einem schönen Hotel machen.

Kurze oder lange Reisen?

Generell sind Städtereisen eher auf kurze Sicht ausgelegt. Aus diesem Grund nennt man sie auch gerne Wochenendreisen, da sie meist nur 2-3 Tage gehen. Wie lange die Reise sein soll, sollte man sich vorher überlegen. Wenn man nur 2 Tage effektiv zur Verfügung hat, sollte man die Zeit sorgfältig planen und sich Gedanken machen, welche Sehenswürdigkeiten man unbedingt sehen will und welche man eher nach hinten auf die Liste setzt. Mit einer sorgfältigen Planung sind Städtereisen der ideale Urlaub für jung und alt. Wir wünschen viel Spaß bei der nächsten reise!

Preisvergleich iphone

Preisvergleich iPhone – 2 Tipps wie man das begehrte iPhone günstig bekommen kann

Das iPhone ist eines der begehrtesten Handys, die man in der heutigen Zeit erwerben kann. Mit zahlreichen Funktionen und Erweiterungen in Form von Apps, macht dieses Gerät das Leben einfacher als je zuvor. Doch oft steht man vor einem großen Problem wenn man das iPhone günstig kaufen will. Dieser Artikel verrät Tipps, wie man durch einen preisvergleich iphone und andere Produkte ermitteln kann.

Manueller Preisvergleich – iphone manuell vergleichen

Der manuelle Preisvergleich iphone ist wohl die bekannteste Variante und wird von den meisten Kunden durchgeführt. Man schreibt sich einfach den Namen des Produktes und eventuell den Hersteller auf (in diesem Fall Apple) und macht sich selbst auf die Suche nach dem besten Produkt. Dabei kann man mehrere große Seiten als Referenz hernehmen, um die Suche zu beschleuningen. Beispielsweise macht man den preisvergleich iphone zuerst bei Ebay und schaut danach gleich noch wie die Preise bei Amazon liegen usw.

Diese Variante wird von den meisten Käufern vor dem tatsächlichen Kauf verwendet, hat jedoch den großen Vorteil, dass sich so nicht immer die besten Angebote finden lassen. Viel besser ist eine andere Art des preisvergleich. Iphone und andere Produkte lassen sich heute auch vollautomatisch ermitteln.

Automatischer Preisvergleich – iphone und Co Automatisch suchen lassen

Wie soll das gehen? Wird sich der ein oder andere fragen. Dies ist eine sehr clevere Lösung für den Preisvergleich. Iphone und andere Produkte lassen sich auch über sog. Preisvergleichsseiten ermitteln. Man gibt hier lediglich das gewünschte Produkt ein und füttert die Webseite eventuell noch mit zusätzlichen Informationen und alles funktioniert automatisch. Schon nach wenigen Minuten bekommt man eine Liste der besten Angebote, die es im Internet gibt.

Wie funktioniert ein solcher preisvergleich? Iphone und andere Handys sind mittlerweile so beliebt, dass es bei manchen Seiten täglich mehrere hundert, wenn nicht gar tausende Anfragen gibt. Eine Preisvergleichsseite hat diese Produkte schon gespeichert. Zudem auch eine Liste aller bekannten und großen Anbieter. Durch die einfache Suchanfrage bekommt der Benutzer somit die Ergebnisse, wie er sie sonst nur durch mühsames Suchen gefunden hätte.


Replica Watches or real swiss made watches?

Obviously, watches have almost become an indispensable part of people¡¯s life nowadays, with Swiss-made-watches being the coveted target. Yet, it is impossible for everyone to buy a new watch of world-famous brand. As a result, the value of second-hand watches slowly comes to light.

As a matter of fact, second-hand watches enjoy much popularity for their irreplaceable advantages over brand-new watches. Although they may look a bit old in appearance, their quality and durability are by no means to be questioned. Valued second-hand watches, especially limited edition ones, are becoming increasingly popular as people pay more and more attention to watches of famous brands.

The basic reason many people choose second-hand watches is that those watches can enable them to reduce expenditure. As we all know, the price of second-hand watches is far less than that of the corresponding new watches. For ordinary consumers,spending a high amount of money to buy a new watch will inevitably disturb the balance between income and expenditure. So the choice of buying a second-hand watch instead could be counted as the wisest decision.

Next, the use value of these watches is the same as that of new ones. At this point there can be no dubiety. The function of these two kinds of watches is entirely the same, which ensures second-hand watches to reach the requirements of consumers in the current watch market.

In addition, used watches have very good collect value, especially some classical watches that will no longer be manufactured. They could also bring unbounded joy, excitement and enthusiasm for collectors. Moreover, sometimes second-hand watches even increae in value as time goes by.

Finally, the commercial effect brought by selling second-hand watches could in no case be undervalued. Take China market for example, it was reported that a man earned tens of thousands of yuan by selling two Rolex second-hand watches in HongKong. In fact, he bought them in Hangzhou for less than 68 thousand yuan each, but sold them at a high price of more than 100 thousand yuan each in Hong Kong market.

To sum up, second-hand watches have a huge market not only for their own irreplaceble advantages over new ones, but also for the huge commercial interests they can bring to investors.

Article Directory Source: http://www.articlerich.com/profile/joe-taylor/102522



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Adelaide airport can be found in South Australia and right at the city of Adelaide. It is quite a busy airport, ranking fifth in all of Australia. It transports as many as seven million passengers per year. This airport is six kilometers away from the town center, lying near West Beach.

Even if the Adelaide airport is a one-terminal airport, it can cater to everything that as traveler needs. It is also easily accessible, with buses, parking, and private transports available around the clock. From the airport to the heart of the city, take Sir Richard Williams Drive towards the Sir Donald Bradman Highway. It is going to be a 4-mile ride for you but that path would take you right into Adelaide CBD.

When traveling to Adelaide, it is strongly encouraged that you get your own car to ride. Hire a car from any one of the major car rental companies operating right at the airport. Budget, Avis, Thrifty and Hertz have offices always open to assist you with your needs. However, the better option when it comes to renting a car is through the help of online portals.

Log on to the internet and check them out. These online car hire service providers are affiliated with international the car rental companies listed above. They can facilitate your request on your behalf. Through them, you can easily choose the car that you want at the price that you can afford. They can find you the best car hire deal in the town that you're heading for.

Not having a car at Adelaide means you would have to use the taxis and the buses to get to your destination. If so, you would have to hail Skylink airport Shuttle, which travels from the airport to the town center every thirty minutes. For some extra bucks, they can send you a mini coach to take you to your hotel. If you want to take a cab, the taxi ranks are situated at the airport's parking lot. Expect a 15-minute ride to the Adelaide central business district. The taxis around here are metered but it is almost necessary to tip the driver.

Article was compiled by Eamonn Turley who writes for http://www.fastcarhire.co.uk specialized in car rental in Malaysia, Thailand and Australia.

If you are thinking of visiting Thailand for that once in a lifetime trip then http://www.fastcarhire.co.uk/australia_car_hire.asp for more information on car rental options available

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Eamonn_Turley



Born on October 25, 1881 in the city of Malaga, Spain, Pablo Ruiz Picasso is considered one of the masters of the 20th century art.

Picasso's full name is Diego Jose Santiago Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno Crispin Crispiniano de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santisima Trinidad Ruiz Blasco y Picasso Lopez. He was the son of José Ruiz y Blasco and Maria Picasso y Lopez. During Picasso's early years, he used to sign his name as Ruiz Blasco, taken after his father. Since 1901, he started using his mother's name whenever he signed his name.

Picassos is attributed to be the founder of Cubism together with Georges Braque. However, during his lifetime, he created an extensive and different body of works such as arts that featured moving representation of beggars, prostitutes, acrobats, and harlequins.

When Picasso was younger, he started as a painter. He firmly believed that for an artist to be considered as a "true artist" one must learn how to paint. Picasso also worked with collage, bronze sculptures, small ceramics, and even written some poetry. When he's not working, Picassos wanted to be in company of people. In fact, he maintained a good relationship with many of his friends like Andre Breton, Gertrude Stein, and Guillaume Apollinaire among others. Aside from his wife, he also kept a number of mistresses.

Picasso's "Guernica" is believed to be his most famous work of art. In the canvas, he depicted the bombing of Germany in Guernica, Spain. Said canvass signified the brutality, hopelessness, and inhumanity of war. At present, "Guernica" is on display at Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia in Madrid, Spain.

Pollux Parker is an adventurer who loves discovering secret island getaways in each country he visits. Pollux also likes to collect Spain flag and buy inexpensive Spain flag.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Pollux_Parker


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Sparen Sie bis zu 40% Heizkosten durch unsere Floortech Energiesparfundamente. Wir beraten private Bauherren sowie Bauträger und Investoren aus derBauindustrie, in DeutschlandÖsterreich, Frankreich und in der Schweiz.

Sie haben die Wahl: Unser Energiesparfundament, das Ihnen dank Dämmung und integrierter Flächenheizung enorme Einsparungen bei der Bauzeit liefert und außerdem Ihre Heizkosten minimiert. 

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Fundament Neubau

Sie planen den Bau Ihres Einfamilienhauses und sind auf der Suche nach Energieeinsparungsmöglichkeiten? Wir liefern Ihnen das passende Fundament und helfen Ihnen dabei, Ihre zukünftigen Heizkosten gering zu halten.

Übrigens, unsere Energiesparfundamente erreichen standardmäßig einen U-Wert von 0,17 und erfüllen damit automatisch die Anforderungen der Energieeinsparverordnung.

Floortech: Sparen Sie Baukosten und senken Sie mit unserem Energiesparfundament zukünftig Ihre HeizkostenWir beraten Sie gerne in Sachen Bauen und Energiesparen.

Sparen Sie bis zu 40% Heizkosten durch unsere Floortech Energiesparfundamente. Wir beraten private Bauherren sowie Bauträger und Investoren aus derBauindustrie, in DeutschlandÖsterreich, Frankreich und in der Schweiz.

Sie haben die Wahl: Unser Energiesparfundament, das Ihnen dank Dämmung und integrierter Flächenheizung enorme Einsparungen bei der Bauzeit liefert und außerdem Ihre Heizkosten minimiert. 

Sie wollen garantierte staatliche Förderprogramme und zinsgünstige Darlehen in Anspruch nehmen? Dann bieten wir Ihnen mit unserem Klimafundament die passende Lösung! Neben der bewährten Technik aus dem Energiesparfundament liefern wir Ihnen hier zusätzlich eine kontrollierte Be- und Entlüftungsanlage, unser airfloor-System, integriert in Ihr Fundament.

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All of us know that, Swiss-made watches are the most famous watches in the world. There are many famous Swiss luxury watches brands. Many people prefer Swiss-made watches very much. If you wear a Swiss watch, you are considered as fashionable and stylish. Especial the latest watches are most popular among people. However, the stylish and fashionable watches are sold at heavy price tags. People who are not wealthy enough have no choice but to stand away from those expensive watches.

It is no doubt that the quality of Swiss watches is excellent and the skills are sophisticated. Most Swiss watches are made of costly materials, such as jam, diamond, and carbuncle and so on. All of these reasons result in high prices, and only wealthy people can afford them. A famous watch usually cost thousands of dollars. It is really too expensive to those people who rely on monthly salary. They need to send more than six months of their salary for buying a original watch. It seems that is a little crazy.

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Do you want to join into fashionable group? Swiss replica watches will be your best choice.

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Healthcare Online Blogs

Online Health Care Degrees encompasses studies in the management, treatment and prevention of illness, or the rise thereof, in the community. Connected professions include the medical sciences, pharmaceutical, dental, nursing laboratory/ clinical science as well as allied HC- professions (these are clinical HC professions distinct from those aforementioned e.g. professions such as radiology, abortion, midwifery, massage etc). Allied HC professionals work in a health care team to make the health care system function.

Modern HC industry

Health care careers are on the rise. The baby-boomer generation from the 40's through the 60's (some 80 million+ individuals in North America alone) are now getting older, and the added requirement to provide health care for a booming population has caused the HC profession to skyrocket into one of the largest and most vital of service industries. Such is the importance of HC to the world today (with health related issues increasing in numbers with old age) that many related qualifications require less than a year to attain- as compared to a few decades ago when health care education took years to complete.

Online HC education

Mature students and professionals wishing to undertake education and training in any of the fields in HC today have a host of options when it comes to learning online while juggling their families and jobs. There are over 5000 degrees, associate degrees and certifications (accredited) for allied HC professions now available online from some of the 2000 institutions that Health care education online. Allied HC education is also the most popular field of education pursued online as well, with many professionals using such courses to attain CME credits or to diversify their practice portfolios.

Web 2.0 and podcast for online healthcare (1)

Online healthcare education is now being delivered using the following means;

Web 2.0 basically means the modern internet, where students can interact with the information and other people, i.e. through blogs, webcasts, web-desktop and social networking sites (like facebook).

Podcasts are basically a way of broadcasting/ distributing information to multiple users through the means of video/ audio files and electronic copies of documents or slides which are usable on mp3/mp3-video players (not necessarily iPods as the term may suggest).

The Podcasts and Web2.0 based (blogs or RSS feeds) methods can be use to record audio-visual lectures or digital instructions of any kind and can be distributed both manually and automatically to a cell phone, PC, MP3 Player or laptop with as little hassle as possible; these lectures will allow students the luxury to go to work, attend to personal details of even relax and take time off, while still being able to progress in their coursework easily.


Podcasting and web 2.0 implications for healthcare. Lecture by Dr. Rodney B Murray

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Frank Johnson is a staff writer for SchoolsGalore.com. Find online healthcare education and online healthcare training degrees, as well as other Colleges, Universities, and Vocational online schools at SchoolsGalore.com, your resource for higher education.

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Youtube Video Marketing

Youtube video marketing for swiss watches is a good thing to do. Youtube videos are great to drive a lot of traffic to your website. People love youtube videos.

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Every woman out there

Every woman out there, of all groups can testify to the importance of owning their little black dress. The dress is a staple in a woman's wardrobe because it can be used in more than one manner. Black is a classic color that works for both formal and informal occasions. But more than the dress having a classic look, the dress is a secret weapon that women turn to in a pinch. Combining the dress along with other fashion accessories will determine the formal or informal look. The dress allows a woman to "throw something together" and still achieve a look that appears very well planned.

Fashion can be compared to interior design because of the process used. Within both processes exists a staple piece or focal point. In fashion, the black dress is the focal point, which is complemented by fashion accessories. In interior design, the focal point is an item you first notice upon entering the room, complemented by household accessories. Common focal points are things such as fireplaces and large paintings. But focal points do not have to exist on a grand scale. Just like in a woman's wardrobe, the focal feature can be something basic and simple; just noticeable.

If you are like the majority of people, creating a room's focal point can be quite challenging. Where do you begin? Well, there are factors to consider when choosing an appropriate focal point, like the room's size or existing décor. However, if you are trying to simplify the process even further, have you considered the following?

A classic area rug is a very simple way to create a focal point. An area rug can be that "little black dress" you pull from the closet in a pinch. Consider what a floral area rug could do for your décor. Floral area rugs are perfect for spring and summer. They are typically full of color and have the ability to rescue a room from a boring existence. In a room that offered no previous focal point, your eyes will surely be drawn to the vibrant floral rug.

If you are not so into flowery décor, you could perhaps opt for a contemporary area rug as your room's focus. Contemporary rugs are available in a stunning variety of styles and colors. A contemporary rug can transport a room into modern times without breaking the bank. Walking into a room and having your attention immediately drawn to a modern focal point sets the stage for a room that is up-to-date. Completing the modern look is as simple as updating the room's accessories; further bringing the room's décor into a modern feel. This "little black dress" definitely becomes a staple in this room's design.

Only you can determine the look you want your "little black dress" to provide. Formal, informal, floral, or contemporary; the list can go on and on. It's easy to see how an area rug can transform a room in a pinch. Just like that little black dress, with the use of basic accessories can provide the exact look you want to achieve. An area rug can do the same for any room.

Design consultant Sarah loves interior design and getting inspiration from unusual sources. Her most popular tip is to accessorize and some of her favorites are red rugs and black rugs.

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made zurich switzerland

Made in Zurich Switzerland
Swiss Watch Zurich

Being Swiss somehow seems to make me an expert

Being Swiss somehow seems to make me an expert in matters concerning Chocolate. Friends, colleagues, neighbors who are about to travel to Switzerland never venture there without asking me which Chocolate they should try, buy or bring back. I am usually excited to share my opinion, unless in situations where a Belgium, French or other national from a Chocolate savvy country tries to start degrading the Swiss Chocolate. There I have no choice but to tell them straight out that nothing else reaches the quality (ever heard of Belgium or French Quality?) of Helvetic Chocolate. Just between us, and out of reach of Belgian, French or even Swiss ears, I actually quite enjoy all three, but since I cannot stand biased accusations, I have to result to defending my heritage.

So what do I recommend? First of all, no matter what Chocolate you decide to savor, the main thing is that you give it the attention it deserves. Which means, should your mind be in any way littered by taste crippling thoughts about calories or bikinis, do not even try. You are not worthy of eating chocolate. I am often told that people cannot believe I love chocolate, simply because I do not carry it around my midsection. Once and for all, it is not chocolate that makes you fat, it is you not being able to balance its consumption properly. A 100g bar should last you a week, not a day! And if does not, you are not giving it the respect it deserves.

Which brings me to the next important point: anticipation. Half the joy of eating chocolate is the anticipation. Imagining or remembering what it is going to taste like when it melts in your mouth. I have a chocolate moment every day, not a big one, but a well deserved one. The other great thing about anticipation: it doesn't have any calories either!

Last but not at all least: Quality! Buy the good stuff. No matter wherein North America you live, you can buy chocolate other than the low end Nestle, Hershey or any other of those 'we have to add other stuff because our chocolate is not good enough'-brands. The reason why people tend to eat as many of those evil 'cash registry lane pavers' is because they do not manage to satisfy fully and leave a craving for more.

Trust me. If you have a really good piece of chocolate, and give it the attention it deserves, you will be happy with just one piece. I used to gobble down bars almost unnoticed while reading books. That is the perfect recipe for feeling awful later, as soon as you close that feel-good story book.

Now, having said all that, which one to go for? Well, like anything else, chocolate tastes vary. More expensive does not always mean better. My sister for example prefers a Swiss grocery giant's own brand to an exclusive chocolatier's recipe. Dark chocolate has more of the good stuff and leaves you feeling satisfied with less. Too much of a cocoa content though can turn it rather bitter, which not everybody enjoys. Personally I do not go higher than 70% cocoa content, and even that usually would have to have something else in it counter balance the bitterness. As far as white chocolate, well, I do not consider it chocolate. Unless it is in some dessert mousse, I do not touch it. Here are my personal favorites:

Ovomaltine Chocolate: like the Ovaltine drink powder mixed in with milk chocolate; a pleasurable crunch without being too sweet. I cannot get it in Canada, therefore I guess the anticipation level is so high, it's ranked at first place.

Cailler Cremant Chocolate: my grandmother's favourite as well, dark chocolate, also great for dipping in a cup of warm milk. I am a little upset though that Nestle managed to gobble up Cailler and after my last visit back home, I had a feeling they changed the recipe.

Cailler Chocmel: same brand but milk chocolate with almond splinters and honey. First the chocolate melts on your tongue and then there is a wonderful after crunch.

Minor Chocolate: probably mostly due to the fond memories of accompanying my Dad every Sunday on his drive to the local kiosk at the train station to pick up his weekend paper. Needless to say a "Minor Stengel" always made it to the cashier as well. As their English website reads: The much sought after Branche is more than a delicious praline stick, it is a bite of delight.

Now, none of these widely available grocery store chocolates will compare to freshly made chocolate that you get when you enter a smaller boutique that makes their own. The sweet smell of chocolate in your nose will add much to the pleasure and although prices will dramatically increase, it is well worth it for a truffle or two.


Anne has been writing for many years, entertaining and educating many around the globe. You can check out more of her writings on landlord house insurance or find out what she has been researching on lumbar support pillows

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Fashion Design

Need a kick in the pants to get through another workout? What could be better than to add a cool heart rate monitor watch to monitor your vitals.

Heart rate monitor watches make a training session a lot more interesting. You will always be aware of the effect your efforts have on your heart. This type of watch is able to keep a record of every heartbeat. You will be able to see how many beats there are per minute.

Having such a specialized piece of equipment is very convenient. Heart rate monitor watches are easy to transport and also to wear. Your heart rate monitor watch consists of 2 parts.

There is a chest band that you wear around the chest and the watch you wear on your writs. A wireless message is communicated from the chest band to your wrist. All you have to do is glance at your new best friend to see how your heart is coping. You will have the knowledge and the power to either increase or reduce your training pace.

How cool is it to be able to log the number of calories you burn during your workout. This is very helpful if you are trying to lose excessive body fat. Nutrition is a very important part of being healthy when you exercise.

It is essential that you consume the right amount of food in order to take in the right amount of calories in comparison to the calories you burn off. Use your heart rate monitor watch to improve you daily training by boosting your efficiency. Many individuals regard this kind of watch as a training buddy that keeps track of their progress.

It is easy to get carried away when you exercise. However, you must bear in mind that your muscles are not increased while you exercise. It may come as a surprise for you to know your muscles build up while you rest. This is why you have to rest enough between training sessions.

It is the aerobic athletes that get great use out of heart rate monitor watches because this is the kind of training that strengthens the heart and lungs and requires very close scrutiny.

Get the best deals on heart rate monitor watches at http://Sports-Heart-Monitor-Watches.com. Check out all the specifications and decide whether the Road trainer or Race trainer is for you.

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Today's women are busier than ever

Today's women are busier than ever, and their need to keep track of time has increased along with their activities. But no matter what they are doing, women want their sense of style to extend from their wardrobes to their watches.

A board meeting requires a woman to dress with taste as well as professionalism. The Cartier Women's Silver-Tone Dial & Stainless Steel Bracelet Watch covers both requirements. The steel case and silver-tone dial shine without being showy, as does the beautiful braid-style stainless steel bracelet. Black Roman numerals mark the hours with their businesslike shapes. Simple black hands are powered by quartz crystals, providing the most accurate movements available in a timepiece.

When the business is a little less formal, a watch with a fun flash of color will carry the businesswoman through her day. The Pink Dial & Stainless Steel Bracelet Watch by Cartier looks feminine and businesslike on her wrist. A pink dial with pink Roman numeral hour markers is easy on the eyes and pleasant to look at when she needs to check the time. Quartz movement powers the watch and a scratch resistant sapphire crystal keeps the hands covered.

Lunch at a dockside restaurant calls for something light on the arm. Cartier's Blue Dial & White Fabric Strap Watch sits pretty on her wrist with its fun fabric strap and steel case. The dial is a lovely blue with white Roman numeral markers at each hour. A date display sits at the three o'clock hour, and everything is tucked beneath a durable sapphire crystal.

If the fashion world is her forte, the Gucci White Dial & Stainless Steel Bracelet Watch will keep her at the top of her industry and on time as well. The round bezel of this timepiece is accented with diamonds as it circles the white dial. A stainless steel case and bracelet provide more shine and the Gucci logo on the band proclaims her sense of style to the world.

If digital and funky is her thing, the Gucci Digital Pink Rubber Strap Watch is a fun and easy to read contemporary timepiece. The case is stainless steel surrounding a silver-tone dial that goes digital with time, date and day of the week front and center. A pink rubber strap features the Gucci logo, and adds that quick flash of fun to her day.

Every woman wants to wear something a little dressy from time to time, and the Cartier Women's Silver-Tone Dial & Stainless Steel Bracelet Watch is just the thing. Overlapping circular links of stainless steel form a comfortable and elegant bracelet that hugs the wrist. A rectangular steel case surrounds a black dial with silver hour and minute hands. The Movado mark sits at 12:00 beneath a sapphire crystal, giving this watch a sophisticated look that can handle the symphony, theater, or a discreet dinner date.

For a daintier look, the Gucci Signoria Stainless Steel Bracelet Watch has a decorative stainless steel strap that skims the wrist like a fine bracelet. The square stainless steel case surrounds a white mother-of-pearl dial that features black markers at each hour. This is the watch to wear with those breezy summer sundresses.

Leather always looks a little sportier when it hugs the wrist. If that's the look the lady wants, then the Renato Women's Beauty Petite Stainless Steel Swiss Quartz Lizard Strap Watch will delight her. A genuine lizard strap in brown fits close to the brushed stainless steel case. Four screw accents add to the sporty look of this timepiece, while the black dial and baguette cut red topaz hour markers ensure its place among fashionable wristwatches. This watch is available in rose-tone with sweeping rose-tone hands or in a similar silver-tone configuration. The movement comes from a Swiss Ronda 763 Quartz and the crystal is sturdy sapphire.

Whimsy comes in hearts and flowers and the Ed Hardy Heart Crush Quartz Bracelet Watch has both-with an edge. The heart-shaped stainless steel case comes in black, gold-tone or silver-tone, each with its own special dial design. Choose a koi fish pattern on the gold-tone dial, a geisha girl on the white dial that comes with the silver-tone bracelet and dial, or a "love kills" design in black on black. Arabic numerals mark the four sides of this timepiece and a Miyota 2025 Quartz movement keeps it running on time. Heart-shaped cutouts provide the final feminine touch to the bracelet of all three choices.

Finally, nothing beats a classic timepiece. The Rotary Women's Quartz Stainless Steel Bracelet Watch is simple but fashionable. The case is round, constructed of stainless steel-as is the bracelet. The hour positions are noted in black Roman numerals and the black hour and minute hands are powered by a Ronda 1069 Quartz movement. This is the watch that can go almost anywhere, keeping up with today's woman.

Wyatt Hume is a freelance writer who writes about jewelry, watches and specific brands such as Android Watches.

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Swiss made watches

Swiss made watches?
Switzerland has so many swiss made watch brands...which one to choose?
Old watch brands and new watch brands are fighting for their customers.
Some watch producer and watch trader just do the right thing and think
about new designs and better quality for new watches.
Some new swiss watch brands work even harder than the big companies.
Most of the watch brands have a city related name, like lausanne,
geneva or schaffhausen. There is just one watch brand related to
zurich switzerland.
Christmas is near and the watch industry is waiting for the right
moment to show new designs online to make watch lovers happy.


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